Archive for February, 2013

Panzer Attack

Posted: 26 February 2013 in Poems, Understanding Others
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All our fears- how do they appear?The mighty engine pulses, ready to go
It’s hostile out there,
But sitting high up, peering out
The mighty German all-terrain machine is unstoppable.
Keeping DVT & PE at bay.

Keeping DVT & PE at bay.

Pain – you’d think it came in one colour. Well it doesn’t. In comes in various shades, more case of grey that torrid red. Friends and survivors of worse conditions than mine widened my palette, though thankfully (so far), I have not employed the whole range. 


3 holes in just one arm

3 holes in just one arm

Had the cancer operation. And not by hands-on surgeons, but by the Da Vinci robot.  Yes, I kid you not – by robot. The same sort of technology that enables a beef/horse-burger eating techie in Utah to put an armed drone onto a jeep full of guys in Kandahar, piloted the knives in my innards to cut out my prostate gland. Nothing less. But nothing more either. The NHS surgeons told me that they were pleased – so I should be too. Millions of pounds of technology applied. Tax Payers out there – a big thanks! (more…)